Thornafest 2025
Saturday 19th July 2025. Thornaby Cricket Club. See Eventbrite for tickets
Battle of Britain commemoration
Held on Sunday 8th September 2024, to remember the Servicemen and Women that served during this part of the WW2 conflict.
Mayors Cadet appointed
A new Cadet for the Mayor Les Hodge was appointed and we look forward to seeing a lot more of RAF Cadet Flight Sergeant Jasmyn Evans during the coming year
New Mayor & Mayoress attend the Licensing Ceremony for the new Vicar for South Thornaby
The new Mayor & Mayoress of Thornaby Councillors Les and Julie Hodge attended the License ceremony for the new Father Tom bates-Bourne at St Marks Church, Trenchard Avenue on Sunday 19th May.
Eric Whitfield Becomes Freeman of the Town
We would like to congratulate Eric Whitfield for his achievement of becoming a Freeman of the Town on 15th March 2024.